Palm Beach County Bar Association officer swearing-in draws 500 to Breakers

By Shannon Donnelly
Daily News Society Editor
Photo by Melanie Bell
Justice Barbara J. Pariente and Michelle Suskauer
Want to see some world-class revelry? Put an open bar and 500 lawyers in the same room.
Not that the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s 87th annual installation banquet didn’t have its sober — um, somber — moments.
The evening, which took place June 20 at The Breakers, began with a cocktail reception that didn’t go on for hours because when a person is sworn in by a judge they’re expected to be, you know, not drunk.
Which is why we haven’t taken an oath of office since the glorious passage of the 21st Amendment.
Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara J. Pariente swore in Michelle Suskauer as president; Michael J. Napoleone as president-elect; and C. Wade Bowden, Jason J. Guari, John M. Howe, Maureen Martinez, Adam T. Rabin, Jill T. Weiss, John R. Whittles, Debra A. Jenks, Theodore S. Kypreos and Richard D. Schuler as board members.
James G. “Grier” Pressly III, also a board member, was unable to attend.
After the installation, the evening continued with dinner and dancing.
More than 500 people attended.
The Palm Beach County Bar Association is a nonprofit voluntary association founded in 1922. It is a professional association financed by annual dues from attorneys. Its purpose is to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession by promoting improvements in the law and administration of justice.